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Who and What I Treat

A Tapestry of Personal and Clinical Experience

I draw from 18+ years of experience working in fast-paced NYC clinics, including 12 years dedicated to operating my own practice, treating thousands of clients. Whether you're a competitive athlete, an office professional clocking in long hours, a weekend enthusiast, or a dedicated parent, my expertise and interest spans the spectrum.


Sport has been a constant in my life. I've not only lived the life of an athlete but also dedicated countless hours to understanding and treating the unique needs of fellow sports enthusiasts. My experience ranges from working with high-caliber, competitive athletes to aiding those transitioning from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one. Whether you're recovering from a match on the field or a long day at the desk, I've got your back.


I have been a competitive soccer player since a young age, and continue to play pain-free in my late 40s. I’ve guided hundreds of soccer players in overcoming and preventing injuries. This firsthand and clinical experience qualifies me to specialize in soccer-specific therapy. With that said, I am equally passionate and well-qualified to treat athletes from any sport. Beyond soccer, my regular routine includes running, strength training, tennis, and qigong. The principles of tissue healing and human biomechanics apply universally across all sports.


Colin O'Banion physical therapy using shock wave therapy ESWR EPAT in Boulder, Colorado
Injuries and Diagnoses I Treat
  • Sports-related Injuries: Ankle sprains, knee sprains, meniscus tears, rotator cuff injuries, hamstring and groin strains, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, Achille’s tendinitis, shin splints, fractures, ligament tears and labral tears in shoulders and hips

  • Repetitive Motion and Overuse Injuries: Plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder, bunions, tennis and golfer's elbow, trigger finger, and shoulder impingement, fractures, separate tennis and golfer’s elbow into tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis), runner’s knee (patellofemoral pain syndrome), jumper’s knee (patellar tendinitis), rotator cuff tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Postural Concerns: Injuries stemming from prolonged computer and smartphone use, including neck, mid-back, and lower back pain, forward head posture, kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, forward should posture, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Spinal Disorders: Herniated discs, sciatica, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, spinal fractures and degenerative disc disease.

  • Pre- and Post-Surgical Care: Guidance and support for procedures ranging from rotator cuff and ACL repairs to total joint replacements and spinal fusions, arthroscopic surgery, rotator cuff repair (replace rotator cuff), ACL reconstruction (replace ACL repair), take “s” off spinal fusions and total joint replacements, fracture repair, labral repair, lumbar discectomy, cervical discectomy, meniscus repair, Achille’s repair, hip resurfacing

  • Additional Conditions: Headaches, TMJ dysfunction, myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, and gastrointestinal dysfunctions, fall prevention

Colin O'Banion, physical therapy, dry needling in Boulder, Colorado
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